
Andre Gasiorowski as Head of Economic Development Department of IPAOW.

Dr. Andre Gasiorowski – Chairman of Helping Hand – Global Forum was elected as Head of Economic Development Department of the International Peoples Alliance of the World.

Department of Economic Development (CCI, Business Forum)

International Peoples Alliance of the World

Gathering representatives of non-governmental organizations from 42 countries.

Association of public, commercial, social and state organizations, international foundations, congresses of peoples of different countries to achieve harmonious relationships.

Purpose to develop cooperation and build harmonious relations with the peoples of different countries, solidarity and stable coexistence in the economy, education, culture, science. 

Formation of peaceful relationships through the development of joint economic, scientific, cultural and educational programs.

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">Development of integration processes, strengthening of basic universal human values, and strengthening of peacemaking and harmonious relationships. Under the slogan: "<strong><em>The future of our planet is in the unity of peoples.</em></strong>"Development of integration processes, strengthening of basic universal human values, and strengthening of peacemaking and harmonious relationships. Under the slogan: “The future of our planet is in the unity of peoples.

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