
Caesarea | An Event for Children with Cancer

On April 11th, UPC (Universal Peace Council) organized an entertainment event for children with cancer at Helping Hand Global Forum headquarters. The afternoon included various activities of music, dance, and sports. A delicious lunch was also served to the participants.

This event exemplified a collective effort by representatives from various communities, including Druze, Arab, Jewish, and Christian. Their dedication to bringing joy and hope to those in need showcased the spirit of unity, generosity, and compassion, which can inspire others to spread love and kindness to those around them.

“Each one according to his purpose in heart, not out of sorrow or compulsion, for God loves a happy giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7)


President of the UPC (Universal Peace Council), H.E. Sheikh Dr. Kasem Bader, welcomed the children and their companions and thanked the benevolent people who donated the gifts distributed to the children, emphasizing the importance of these charitable activities. Dr. Adel Shamaly (UPC Peace Ambassador and Director of the Association of Arab Journalists and Media Professionals) from the village of Ghajar gave a speech and poem in Hebrew about encouraging children and giving them optimism to fight disease and overcome it. Mr. Amin Natour (UPC Peace Ambassador) made an incredible artistic connection. The event featured several activities; among them were a song and dance performance by the talented artist Rana Warrior, who is originally from Nazareth. Rana Warrior is also a mentor, lecturer, and music program director at the Crave Enrichment Project – the Arab Centre. Gifts were given to all of the children by Hanadi Abu Salah and Mr. Mordechai Yohananov, director and owner of Yohannanov Company.

Sheikh Dr. Kasem Bader awarded Mr. Mordechai Yohannauf and Dr. Andre Gasiorowski (Chairman of Helping Hand Global Forum) with Shields of Excellency and the emblem of the UPC (Universal Peace Council).


Article by Pastor Dr Elias Soussan. Photos by Pastor Dr Elias Soussan, Daren Zidan, Andre Gasiorowski, and others.

